5 Reasons To Hire A Lifestyle Coach!

The coaching industry is booming. Why is that? People are getting smarter.. and are realizing that hiring a coach can save them frustration, time and money, especially when it comes to lifestyle change. Why do it alone when you can get the ultimate road map and tour guide to give you the lasting success you deserve.


5 Reasons To Hire A Lifestyle Coach


Save Money

I’m going to put this first because this is actually what holds most people back. Hiring a coach is costly. Tough love. It may sound counterintuitive but sometimes, you have to spend money to save money. If you were able to get off 2 blood pressure medications, how much would that save? If you learned how to cook breakfast for yourself, how much would that save? If you stopped binging on sweets because you were able to finally get rid of the cravings, how much would that save? I promise you that hiring a coach will not only save you money later but will provide you the confidence and happiness that money just can’t buy.


Save Time

I can’t tell you how many clients I have coached through blood sugar pitfalls or stubborn weight loss and they tell me.. “I wish I would have hired you sooner.” Guess what? There’s never been a better day than today. Why waste another minute when you can hire someone to just get it done. A coach can help you achieve your goals faster because they’ve “been there, done that” with a ton of other clients. They can help you avoid any obstacles that come your way or tell exactly how to deal with it. They can clear the fastest path to success specific to your unique lifestyle.



“I wish I would have hired you sooner.” 

-Says almost every last client I’ve worked with


Avoid the overwhelm

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed when you are trying to change your lifestyle. There’s so much “noise” out there from different diets, health claims, and bogus unnecessary supplements or equipment. A coach can keep you laser focused on your goal and assign you the smallest amount of work for the biggest return. Say what? Yes. You heard right. The smallest amount of work for the biggest return. This could be as simple as swapping out drinks, adding greens to a meal, limiting carb in one of your meals, or changing the timing of your medications.. really anything. And guess what, only your coach knows what is exactly right for you based on your personality, lifestyle, meds, and conditions. 


Stay Motivated

In the beginning of any lifestyle change, it seems new and fun. Most often, within weeks, it becomes overwhelming or stale. Your motivation starts to dwindle. A coach is someone who cheers you on, steers you in the right directions when needed, and believes in you even when you don’t believe in yourself. A coach can keep you engaged so that you can building lasting success.


Build Lasting Success

Just because you get to your goal sooner doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “short term.” In fact, working with a coach and building out the right plan can actually secure long-term success. A good coach will see you more frequently in the beginning while you are receiving more intense accountability. As you gain confidence in your new way of eating, your coach should spread out your sessions progressively as they give you the support and tools you need to make it long-term.


Interested in hiring a lifestyle coach (finally). Let’s chat. Book a call!