5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

I’m pretty sure the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been on most people’s mind these days. We’ve seen it sweep across China and into Europe. Having family in Korea, I am quite aware of the demand for hand sanitizer and face masks. But here’s the thing, protecting the outside of the body is just as important as protecting the inside of your body. 

Per the CDC, those most at risk are elders and those who have chronic conditions (like diabetes). Most often these people are immuno compromised. What does this mean? Their immune systems may be weak or not equipped to handle the virus. One such connection to poor immune health along with diabetes (and our older population) is a deficiency in Vitamin D. Supplementing vitamin D, along with many other nutrients can boost your immunity.

Here are 5 Ways you can boost your immune system. 

Get some Vitamin D: Find ways to be in the sun 30 minutes to 1 hour a day! Or if needed you can supplement 1,000-4,000 IU per day. Chronic deficiency of vitamin D has been linked to many health and autoimmune conditions. 

Eat Vitamin C: I think this is a given and most people know that Vitamin C can definitely improve immunity. But did you know that oranges aren’t the only sources of vitamin C? Foods rich in Vitamin C also include strawberries, cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet potato and bell peppers.

Eat Vitamin E: Try adding some nuts, seeds, and spinach to your diet. Vitamin E is super antioxidant that helps us fight off infection.

Boost your gut flora (good gut bacteria): Your gut houses your immune system. Limit your exposure to everyday chemicals or consumption of sugar and overly processed foods. This can disrupt the body’s natural balance of good to bad bacteria in the gut. Eating whole foods and fermented foods can protect your gut. If you’d rather supplement, go for probiotics of 10 to 50 billion CFU.

Reduce stressors: Stress can interfere with the body’s natural healing process. You may not always be able to avoid stress but you can definitely change your reaction to it. This might mean getting more sleep, being more organized, talking with a loved one, taking a hot bath or taking a long walk.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  -Hippocrates

Interested on how you can boost your immune system while getting the personalized coaching you need to make it work for your life? Book a call! 


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