How To Set Goals And Actually Make Them Happen!

Wait what? There’s a difference. Oh yes! Big time. Setting New Year’s Goals can be exciting. It can also be defeating when 6 months later, you’ve realized you haven’t accomplished a thing.

Here’s a fact! 80% of New Year’s goals fail by February.

So, what sets apart those that accomplish a goal and those that don’t?

It’s in three simple steps: 

  1. Set a SMART Goal
  2. Create a Realistic Plan
  3. Check-in & Evaluate

Want to see exactly how this works? Check out the video below. 

Having a SMART goal, a plan that fits your life and is achievable can make or break your success. This is exactly why cookie cutter diets don’t work. Cookie cutter diets don’t account for the on-the-go work schedule, meds you can barely remember or the fact that you can’t even make it up the stairs let alone a training program. 

“A goal is just a goal. A dream is a goal with a plan and a deadline.” -Harvey Mackay

We all have gifts. You’d hire someone to do my taxes because you don’t learn a thousand tax laws. You go to the salon because the last time you cut hair was when you were six and that didn’t turn out so well. If your leg was broken, I’m sure you wouldn’t get your tiny emergency kit out. You’d head to the hospital and find a great surgeon. 

When it comes to food and health, many people are doing it alone. It may seem like common sense but we are living in a confusing food system. Having someone by your side to cut through the noise and get you to your goals faster than doing it alone is invaluable.  


When it comes to your weight or blood sugar, hiring a personal dietitian and coach is the best investment you can ever make. And that’s because your health itself is the best investment you have. Schedule a free call. Cheers to a fabulous 2020!