5 Instant Ways To Curb Sugar Cravings

Got Sugar Cravings?

Let me guess.. right around 2pm? After a hard day at work? After the kids go to bed? Or maybe around the clock. 

Sugar. It’s sweet, delicious and downright addictive.

Here’s a fact. Sugar is 8x more addictive than cocaine and it’s everywhere! No wonder we are all hooked.

Let’s be honest.. sugar is also DELICIOUS and may be associated with happy times… birthday cake, hot cocoa walks, Grandma’s cookies. Sugar brings joy to our lives. 

The problem is that sugar is inflammatory. It will make every condition in your body worse. Got some low-back pain or arthritis in your hands? Eventually, you’ll be in more pain. How about your heart? Sugar can even inflame your arteries setting the stage for cardiovascular disease. And your weight? Sugar can cause blood sugar spikes leaving you with cravings, energy crashes, mood swings, greater risk for diabetes and “trapped fat” and inability to lose weight. YIKES!

Do you have health goals? Are you trying to calm those cravings? Here are 5 ways to help. 


5 Instant Ways To Curb Sugar Cravings

Eat Fruit Instead. Stick to lower glycemic options like berries, plums, and green apples. These fruits tend to digest slower and result in less blood sugar spikes because of their fiber content. 

Add Fat: Nothing shuts down hunger faster than fat. That’s because fat sends signals to your brain that sends signals back down to your stomach saying “Whoa, slow down!” Try adding some nuts, nut butters, seeds, or an extra drizzle of olive oil to your snacks or meals. 

Supplement Magnesium: Known as the relaxation mineral is involved in over 300 enzyme actions in the body. Due to the modern day diet, most of us are deficient in this vital mineral. Magnesium is not only great for cravings, it can also help with sleep and improve constipation. 

Hydrate: Don’t let your body confuse dehydration for hunger. Drink 8+ cups of water every day. 

Try A Sweetener. Sweeteners (Stevia, erythritol, monk fruit etc) are awesome but should be used minimally. Having them all day everyday just keeps your “sweet tolerance” high. 


All of these tips are great for the short-term. But long-term, you need a plan that fits your life. Sugar cravings don’t go away over night and “treats” bring joy to our lives. If you love sugar but have major health goals, there are ways to fit it in without going off the deep end. Want to know how?  Let’s chat! Book a call!