How To Stay On Track During The Holidays (Or Vacation)

Wait .. is that even possible?? 


Whether your goal is to keep your blood sugars in check or to avoid the dreaded holiday 20, staying on track during the holidays (while still enjoying the holidays) is ENTIRELY possible. 

Here are 3 Strategies that I personally use and teach with my clients! Here’s a hint. The same strategies here can also be used to keep you on track while on vacation!


3 Strategies To Stay on Track During The Holidays

#1-  Keep 1 thing consistent

This could mean keep up with your daily 15 minute walks or that low-carb breakfast you’ve been doing. I know it sounds way too simple and unimportant but really, it’s more about keeping that routine engrained despite the holiday party last night or whatever else came your way. If you can keep even 1 thing from your usual healthy routine, it will help you to stay on track or bounce right back when the time comes. 


#2- Dilute Your Indulgence

This one can be tricky to explain. (Cue the video!). Let’s be honest, no one wants to give up all the fun during the holidays. This strategy lets you pick and choose your “wine & dine” and “dilute” everything around it. Check out this video for the super simple strategy.




#3-  Be accountable to someone

Be accountable to someone.. anyone –your mom, brother, that lady across the street. Find someone to check-in with. It’s no different than let’s say.. a work project. Although you may be hopeful of a nice bonus at the end of the year, knowing you have to report your work project to your boss every week keeps you accountable so you are way more likely to outperform in a timely manner.

Imagine, outperforming when it comes to your health goals. Imagine having blood sugar levels so good you don’t need medication. Imagine losing the amount of weight that gives you the energy and confidence you’ve been wanting for so long.

Here’s the truth.. Without this “#3 Accountability” piece of what’s going to help you stay on track, you may struggle and take longer to reach your goals. Wouldn’t it make life so much easier if you had someone by your side to make it easier and faster. That’s what coaches like me do. Looking to get a head start for 2021, lets chat! Schedule a free call today.