3 Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Without Giving Up Food

3 Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Without Giving Up Food


Move More

Moving more will help activate various muscle groups. If you’ve ever seen any of my trainings, you’ll know that the muscle cell parking lot is a great place to park sugar. Most people associate the word “exercise” with “pumping iron” at the gym. When really, it’s any activity that requires physical effort. Believe it or not, research shows that being everyday active is better for your body than being a “weekend warrior.” The goal is to get regular, consistent exercise throughout your week in whichever way you prefer. This could include home projects like scrubbing the bathtub, cleaning the garage, skimming the pool, or gardening.  This can also include biking, hiking, riding, swimming, lifting weights, or going to a fitness class.  

  • Do This! Start with a 15-minute walk after lunch everyday this week.


De-Stress. Stress causes the release of stress hormones. These hormones signal the liver to release sugar back into the blood stream. As a result, blood sugar may spike. Stress is normal. We all have stressors. The body is designed to handle a stressor here and there. What’s not normal is to continue to have the stress over and over and over. Stressors can come in different forms -physical, emotional, work, relationship, or sleep. Unfortunately, they can all have the same blood sugar spiking effect on the body. Some stressors are completely preventable and some, well you may just need to learn how to react differently to the stressor. Did you know lack of sleep can be a stressor to the body? There are a ton of ways to improve the quality and duration of your sleep – ie sound machines, eye mask, supplementation (speak with your doctor), calming evening routines (reading, hot tea etc), or simply going to bed earlier.

  • Do This! Purchase a white noise machine. You can easily search this online. White noise machines are one of the most easiest ways to get longer, deeper sleep. 


Test Blood Sugar

Wait what? Just testing blood sugar can lower it? Indirectly, yes! Testing your blood sugar can create awareness and motivation leading to changes in lifestyle choices. You will start to see trends based on what you are doing (or not doing) throughout your day. Before you know it, you’ll be making both conscious and unconscious choices that lead to lower blood sugar.

  • Do This! Test blood sugar every morning before eating. Write it down and think back about your previous day. What you did, what you ate, what you drank. Before you know it, you’ll be making small changes that lead to better blood sugar.

Managing blood sugars alone can be frustrating. Get the skills and support you deserve to get your blood sugar in control so you can live with more energy and less stress. Book a call!