Why You Crash, Crave, And Gain!

Do you ever feel like you are on a roller coaster of eating, craving, and gaining? Yes, the trifecta of disaster when it comes to managing blood sugar and losing weight.

Sometimes, it can seem so continuous, you don’t know where it stops or starts. If this sounds like you, you’re blood sugar and hormones are likely a mess. And guess, what. IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! 

Food is not what it used to be. And so called, “Healthy Food” isn’t always healthy. You see, we are stuck in a broken food system. Today, food products may be misleading, full of chemicals or are downright addictive. All of this can lead to a major imbalance of blood sugar and hormones. 

The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster


Going Up: The Spike

When you eat highly refined processed foods, they turn to sugar and enter the bloodstream quickly. In return, this triggers insulin to the rescue. Insulin is your storage hormone. The role of insulin is to help put the sugar in cells of the body, like muscle and fat cells.


Coming Down: The Crash

If the insulin comes to the rescue all at once, it can lead to a major shift in blood sugar level. This can result in that “energy crash” feeling and hunger hormones aka “cravings.”

At this point, your body’s natural response is to want to eat something to fix it. And if you’re going for the same foods, you’ve likely just bought yourself another ticket on the blood sugar roller coaster.

Let’s dive a little deeper.. 

Why You Crash, Crave, And Gain

Is there a way out? Absolutely! First, it starts with understanding what foods help stabilize blood sugar and hormones. Then, a little action. Are you ready to conquer cravings, boost energy, and lose belly fat? Book a call!