Kitchen Clean-Out for Better Blood Sugar & Weight Loss

Want to make managing blood sugars or losing weight wayyyyy easier? It's time to do a little spring cleaning... in your kitchen.  Replacing highly processed, higher sugar foods with more whole, real food will help prevent or lessen blood sugar spikes and hormone (fat storing & hunger hormone) surges. Eventually,...

Fat Is Your Friend

Are You Suffering From Fat Phobia?   Did you know that there is currently no upward recommendation for fat? ⁣⁣Did you also know that cholesterol is no longer required on the nutrition label?⁣⁣Yep.. these changes happened in the 2015 dietary guidelines. No one really talks about it. ⁣So, why the...

How To Stay On Track During The Holidays (Or Vacation)

Wait .. is that even possible??  YEP!! Whether your goal is to keep your blood sugars in check or to avoid the dreaded holiday 20, staying on track during the holidays (while still enjoying the holidays) is ENTIRELY possible.  Here are 3 Strategies that I personally use and teach with...