How To Get Rid Of The Quarantine Weight Gain?

Did you gain the “Covid-19”?


Yep, that’s what they’re calling it.. the “Covid-19” as in 19 pounds.

And now that life is starting to pick back up.. it’s time to get rid of the weight.

Out of desperation to shed it just as fast as you gained it, it may be automatic to think diet pills or that new exercise contraption you saw on TV.   

When really, the answer is right in front of you. But what is the question? Try asking yourself this, “How did this happen in the first place?” In all other aspects of life.. we ask this investigative question but when it comes lifestyle, we often sweep things under the rug.

Here’s an example. Let’s say it’s your first job interview. You go in and you’re pumped. By the time you get there, everything you thought was going to happen went out the window. You panicked, spoke oddly in the 3rd person, and you didn’t highlight any of the things you wanted to. Wouldn’t it be safe to say that after the interview, you’d go back home, re-run the scenario in your head and figure out what went wrong? And based on what went wrong, you’d make a plan to to fix it so you could land the job. Well of course, right? Makes perfect sense.

Yet, when it comes to lifestyle, you pick one random thing you’ve never done before and hope that’s what does the trick– like keto supplements, “Yep, fixed it!” Or”insantiy” workouts “Yep fixed it!” Ummmm, yeah.. no.

Here’s the reality. If you don’t look back to look forward.. and learn from your actions.. no matter how many leg presses you do or expensive supplements you take, you’ll never reach your health goals.

I’ve got an easier, harder way (Easy because it’s obvious. Hard because change is always hard.) Look back in the last 3 months and figure out what changed? Yes, you’re not as out and about active but what else? Considering my experience with tons of clients currently in the same boat, chances are it was drink choices, an abundance of junk snacks, and sitting on your butt glued to the TV. Am I right? Thought so.

Let’s face it. The colorful sweet drinks, bubbly booze, plastic-wrapped morsels of processed heaven, and Netflix have caught up with you. If you don’t address these actions (the root problem), you will inevitably fight a losing battle aka sugar and hormone imbalance, leading to worsening insulin resistance. 



Let’s Fix This!

Here are the top 3 ways to drop the Covid-19 in record time!


Clean Drinks

Ditch the sugary drinks & artificial sweeteners. In my coaching experience, this is the biggest culprit for speedy weight gain. Therefore, it will also give you the biggest return if you limit or remove this stuff out of your diet. Instead, go for what I call, “clean drinks.”

  • Try swapping out those sugary or artificially flavored drinks for water, carbonated waters with essence, infused waters with a piece of fruit, coffee or tea plain or with cream only.


Choose meals over snacks

As hard as it may be, it’s best to toss most of those snack foods. These foods are straight-up addicting. Did you know the snack food industry is new.. started only in the last 100 years. Most snack foods are disguised carb bombs. If you are loading up on carbs between meals, your body does not get the digestive rest it needs. You’re else less likely to burn fat for energy. Ultimately, being in “storing mode” for a longer period of time throughout the day.

  • Focus on balanced meals including protein, fat, and optional carb
  • If you do need a snack, shoot for a lower carb snack like an avocado with everything bagel seasoning, boiled egg, handful of nuts.


Get all-around active.

Avoid sitting still for too long. According to research, being active throughout the day in everything you do is a better predictor of good health than an adrenaline-pumping workout that leads right to back to the couch. Getting more active throughout the day will help your metabolic rate (aka burn rate) stay high, keep your muscles active, and promote stable blood sugar levels.

  • Consider creating a home project to-do list, commit to a super clean house, get busy in the yard, walk everywhere.. anything to get you from sitting around.

If you want to hit the gym on top of being all-around active .. then, great. Stick to low-impact cardio and resistance for the best results when it comes to blood sugar regulation.


Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.” 

-Jim Rohn

Now, I just gave you 3 topics to work on but it’s up to you to make them personal and specific. If you leave it vague, chances are it won’t happen. Also, you want to choose 1 thing to work on before moving onto the next. This will prevent overwhelm and increase your chances of success. There’s no point in working on 5 things and then failing in 2 weeks. 

Lifestyle change is hard! I get it. I work with clients everyday. Want to boost that success rate? Sounds like you need a coach who will support you and provide you with the accountability you need. Interested? Let’s chat. Book a call!