Kitchen Clean-Out for Better Blood Sugar & Weight Loss

Want to make managing blood sugars or losing weight wayyyyy easier? It’s time to do a little spring cleaning… in your kitchen. 

Replacing highly processed, higher sugar foods with more whole, real food will help prevent or lessen blood sugar spikes and hormone (fat storing & hunger hormone) surges. Eventually, you’ll experience life with balanced blood sugar & hormones. Imagine.. 

  • Breathing easier
  • Having greater focus
  • Feeling consistent energy (no more crashes)
  • Having the confidence to be more active
  • Predicting your blood sugar with a smile on your face


Here’s a basic list for some kitchen clean-out!


Foods To Keep In Stock: 

  • Whole or fresh fruits & veggies: Greens (Organic), broccoli, cauliflower, spaghetti squash, zucchini, sweet potato, apples, berries
  • Gluten-free/Low-gluten grains: Rice, corn tortillas, real sourdough bread (sourdough starter in the ingredients), gluten-free pasta (Jovial)
  • Low-sugar snacks: Pickles, olives, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate 
  • Natural sweeteners: stevia, erythritol, monk fruit, etc.
  • Condiments: Mustard, pesto, alfredo, no sugar added marinara (Victoria, Rao’s, Sam’s Club Italia), no sugar added ketchup (Primal Kitchen), fresh salsa
  • Natural fats: Avocado oil, avocado oil based dressings (Primal Kitchen), olive oil, sesame oil. Unsalted butter, heavy cream, tallow
  • Frozen food with recognizable ingredients (1-pack dinners). Shoot for <45g Carbohydrates.
  • Drinks: Water, sparkling water (La Croix or Waterloo), unsweetened tea, coffee


Foods To Limit in Stock:

  • Canned fruit & veggies
  • Gluten grains: Wheat anything, barley, rye, some oats
  • Sugary snacks: Cupcakes, chips, candy, pastries, granola bars
  • Artificial sweeteners: Splenda, sweet n low, equal
  • Condiments: Ketchup, BBQ sauce, sweet n sour, sugary marinara
  • Chemically processed fats: Canola, vegetable, corn oils. Crisco, margarine
  • Highly processed breakfast, frozen junk or sugary foods: ie cereal, flavored oats, pastries, muffins, cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream 
  • Drinks: Juice, soda, sugary drinks

“If it’s not there, you can’t eat it!” 

-Jina George, RD CDCES


But.. But.. But.. 

Right about now, I usually hear the (valid) excuses start rolling in. Yes, I totally get that! And for all kinds of reasons: kids or other people in the home, finances, or fear of feeling deprived. We go over these challenges in my program. Do your kitchen clean-out to the degree that works for your household and budget. Kitchen clean-out is challenging; however, it WILL make the road ahead way easier with less temptations and mind games. 


Need a framework that makes this process easier without the overwhelm or doubt? Need some support and accountability?  I can help you with that. Let’s chat. Book a call!