My Favorite Pasta Alternative!

Who Loves Pasta???

Meeeeeeee Too!! 

When working with clients, we often talk about “non-negotiables” and pasta usually ranks in the top 3. I mean, who could resist a bowl of warm, satisfying pasta Bolognese or alfredo. 

Unfortunately, for most people, having these foods all the time can interfere with weight loss and spike blood sugars. This is because pasta, at it’s base, is a large load of sugar (glucose). 

Believe it or not, with the right plan; there is always a way to fit pasta in. Sure, it may not be every day but there is a way. Now, on all the days between, we have to get a little creative.

What if I told you that you could still get all the pasta goodness without the spiked blood sugars or weight gain?

Drumroll please.. And the answer is Spaghetti Squash!

Hands down, spaghetti squash is my favorite pasta alternative! Other options may include: spiralized zucchini, Japanese yam noodles, or tofu noodles. To most of my clients, that just gets too “weird.” I too like less weird, easy, shelf-stable, and cost effective. And that’s why spaghetti squash is my jam. 

Wondering how to prepare it? 

Check this video out as I walk you through just how easy it is. 


I totally get it.. change and trying new foods is hard. Having a dietitian coach by your side is what can make change soooooo much easier.

“New foods? Don’t knock it till you try it.” 

-Jina George, RD CDCES

Need someone to make “new” easy? Let’s chat. Book a call!