A proven framework with Personalized Support


An all-in-one flexible and individualized nutrition coaching program for those suffering from insulin resistance (the root cause of weight gain, prediabetes, diabetes, and most chronic conditions)

Does This Sound Like You?

Energy Crashes

Too Many Meds

High Blood Sugar

Belly Fat

You are likely Struggling with Insulin Resistance.

The Root problem

Insulin Resistance

Reality Check!

Nearly 40% of US Adults 18+ Have Prediabetes or Diabetes

"Diabesity (Obesity & T2 Diabetes) is likely to be the biggest epidemic in human history."

ADA, CDC. Clinical Diabetes & Endocrinology 2017

Breakthrough Nutrition Program

What Is It?

The perfect combination for lasting success. A step-by-step program with my proven framework, along with weekly coaching sessions and support & accountability check-ins. Ideal for those with diabetes (or prediabetes), weight management, and non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) disease.

Structured Program

A science-based program designed specifically to balance blood sugar & hormones. Get access to easy-to-follow videos, easy meal plans, and colorful picture-based guides.

Personalized Coaching

Receive personalized weekly coaching based on your unique lifestyle, goals, and non-negotiables.

Support & Accountability

This is where all the magic happens. Includes DAILY food log reviews, open messaging and check-ins.

Breakthrough Nutrition Program

How Does It Work?

Your nutrition program is broken down into 4-phases designed to bring you the confidence and success to make it long-term. 



Prepare by getting laser-focused on your goals so we can build a realistic plan. Here, you’ll also get a kitchen clean-out and supplement guide.



We’ll phase-in an individualized, flexible eating program based on your lifestyle, meds and goals. You’ll also learn my simple, no-counting eating method.



Fasting saves money and time! This can range from skipping snacks to meals to days. We’ll cover some personalized strategies to make it work for your life and unique circumstances. 



Here, we’ll find the perfect combo to make your new way of eating long-term. You’ll get access to the training vault with tips on dining out and getting back on track. 

"I was stuck and nothing was working..."

My experience working with Jina has been life changing! She’s inspiring, motivating, empowering and ‘hands down’ knows her stuff! I got to a point in my life where I was stuck and nothing was working and I didn’t know what to do…She has truly made a great impact on my life in just a short time and has helped me to turn my life around!!! I’m eating healthier foods (real food & all the foods I love), I’ve lost weight, I’ve incorporated exercise and more activity into my life and most importantly (as a diabetic) I have been taken off two medications AND I have significantly reduced my daily (concentrated) insulin from 55 units to 16 units in just 3.5 months (see new update below)! Jina is a great coach, supporter and knowledgeable professional and I couldn’t have made all of this progress without her. Most importantly, she has empowered me to take my life back . I am so thankful to have found her to team with me in this life changing journey!

2/2023: Ruth lost 40 pounds and is off all medications, including 65 units concentrated U-500 insulin (equivalent to 325 units of insulin) and heart burn medications.


Wife, mother, grandmother. Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes of 20+ years. on U-500 concentrated Insulin.

If Chris Can Do It, So Can You...

Chris’s struggles are like so many. It started with a change in job and injury but soon, he became depressed and looked to food for comfort. He gained 50 pounds in the span of 2 years trying multiple diets on and off.

Little did he know, he was addicted to sugar which led to years of major blood sugar & hormone imbalance. He reported headaches, mood swings, cravings, and exhaustion. 

He started his journey with me Oct 2018. Within 5 months, he lost 40 pounds and by the one year mark, he lost another 20 pounds. He has maintained since. 

Clients Share Their Experience

“I didn't even need the meal plans, her food grouping system made it so easy! I have so much energy and I'm off almost all of my medications."
Ronnie P.
Retired Veteran- Lost 48 pounds and

reduced A1C from 9.4 to 5.8 in 1 year

"Jina held me accountable, in the nicest way possible. She created a plan that I can live with forever. It was a change in lifestyle not a diet."
Nataly B.
Systems Analyst -Lost 17 pounds and

reduced body fat by 7% in 6 months

"She kept me from being discouraged and helped to motivate me when things weren’t going as planned. I never felt judged for my food choices and all critiques were helpful.”
Simone P.
Real Estate Agent & Mom of 3- Lost 25 pounds in 3 months

Frequently Asked Questions


I currently accept Medicare, United, Anthem and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Nutrition counseling sessions may be covered under “preventative health services.” This may be of no cost to you. I also accept flex HSA (Health Savings Account) card payments. This can result in a 20-40% savings. 

I solve the problem of “Insulin Resistance” which is the root problem of blood sugar problems and weight gain. This program is ideal for those with prediabetes, diabetes, NAFL non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or those who have central obesity and who are trying to lose 20 or more pounds. 

All coaching programs are monthly packages that include virtual platform access, weekly sessions, program materials, food log reviews, and open messaging. 

Cost is tiered with your budget in mind.

  • Month 1: $500
  • Month 2-4: $400
  • Month 5+: $300

This program includes the combination of personalized weekly video sessions, daily food log reviews, open communication, colorful picture-based guides, and video. The program itself is structured; however, your weekly plan is personalized based on your unique lifestyle, goals,  “non-negotiables” (things you don’t want to give up), and whatever else comes your way.

Initial results like change in energy level, weight loss and blood glucose change can be seen within the first 2 weeks. I have helped clients lose up to 150 pounds and reduce A1C from 14+ down to 5.3. Long-term change requires time, practice, accountability and support through ongoing coaching. My average client stays on board for 6 months up to 2 years.

Cooking is not required. I can coach you despite your level of cooking experience. I have many clients who prefer meal programs or dining out. Your program is individualized based on your needs and desires.

A Registered Dietitian is specialist trained in nutrition science and behavior change with a minimum of a Bachelors In Science and completion of a practicum internship. A Registered Dietitian is the only nutrition professional that is recognized to provide Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT).

Jina George is a Registered Dietitian, Weight Loss Coach, and Board Certified Diabetes Specialist. She has worked in the areas of Diabetes & Weight Loss for over 16 years. Jina served as a speaker for Taking Care Of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) and lifestyle coach for the Get Fit Now Weight Loss Series.

Breakthrough Nutrition Program

Are You Ready To Take The Next Step?

Schedule a free call. We’ll review your lifestyle, goals, and answer any questions you may have.