Let’s be honest carbs, especially the processed ones, are delicious. They’re in your face everywhere and the minute you go off, it turns into a horrible over-restrictive “diet.” By default, we are setup for failure. 


You see we live in a broken food system –where wrong seems right and right seems wrong. Real food seems to have disappeared out of most people’s fridge and replaced with food-like products. Food manufacturers label their foods as “healthy” because it may have some fortified ingredients, is low-fat, or have some magic superfood in it. In reality, these foods are generally highly processed carbohydrates.  And carbohydrates at their base are sugars. Over time, a high intake of highly processed carbohydrates can lead to conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver, and weight gain. 


But how much is too much? This may look different for everybody. Some people can handle a daily 150g carbohydrate load while others may have so much metabolic damage, they’ll need to stick to 75g most their life. I know I’m throwing out some numbers .. I apologize.. it’s my dietitian brain. This may be the difference of 1/4 vs. 1/3 of the plate of carbs at meal times. 


How do we make it work in today’s world. Here are 3 tips to turn a low-carb diet into a flexible low-carb lifestyle!